B. Laute Ambulances
private ambulance services

15 Rue Des Anemones
7134 Ressaix, Belgium

(+32) 0489-797-562
Our values
Why an Ambulance Service Should Not Be Undervalued
Our ambulance transport service aims to excel in every aspect, whether in terms of comfort, vehicle design, and equipment, or the quality of our personnel. All our staff are certified, well-trained, and ready to intervene effectively in any situation. We strive to qualify as an exceptional ambulance service. We do not want to be compared to others; we are dedicated to providing you with not just care, but care of the highest quality and safety. To achieve this, we refuse to undercut prices at the expense of quality.
It is evident that high-quality equipment is costly. Consider the price of an ambulance: the more equipped it is, the higher its cost. The same goes for the comfort and safety of the vehicle. All of these represent significant expenses that must inevitably be reflected in our invoices—without exaggeration, of course. However, we believe that your life is worth the investment. First and foremost, we are committed to ensuring a high-quality transport experience with qualified personnel and reliable equipment. Transporting you in a well-equipped vehicle also provides greater assurance of your safe arrival at your destination.
Why Aim for an Exceptional Ambulance Service?
Over the years, we have observed that for many services, profitability takes precedence over quality. Prices are slashed to attract customers, leaving no funds for investing in adequate equipment. This inevitably results in situations we have witnessed ourselves: ambulances operating with virtually no emergency equipment, many of which are not even disinfected due to lack of resources and time. Other vehicles are in a deplorable state, staffed by individuals with no prior experience or training.
In our view, your life is worth far more than saving a few euros. We are unwilling to take the risk of transporting someone without being fully capable of providing the best possible care. It is out of the question for us to offer a service that compromises the quality of care and patient safety for the sake of a cheaper price. Our ambition to launch an exceptional ambulance service stems from a desire to provide our clients with comfort, quality care, and above all, safety. We could never dispatch an ambulance unless we were certain that the personnel and equipment onboard were fully capable of providing the necessary life-saving assistance.
By choosing to provide an exceptional ambulance service, we have of course recognized that we might receive fewer calls than our lower-cost competitors. However, over time, we have observed the opposite. Most people we transport call us back because they are satisfied with our services. They feel cared for and secure. We remain committed to this approach: not competing on price. We are not in the business of bargain services. Every mission places an enormous responsibility in our hands: the survival of the patients who rely on us.
Beyond Your Life, Your Future is Also at Stake
In certain cases, such as fractures, proper handling is critical. The individual assisting you must be well-trained to ensure your transport does not risk worsening your injury. For example, during the handling of a fractured limb, a wrong move could cause a severe hemorrhage if the bone punctures an artery. This could hinder your recovery or even leave you with lifelong consequences. That is why our personnel undergo regular training and refresher courses with professional instructors. We do not leave your life to chance.
In Summary
We are committed to continuing to operate in a way that provides you with an exceptional ambulance service, without ever compromising on the quality of care. We constantly seek ways to improve by adapting to advancements in emergency medical equipment. We will always provide all possible guarantees for the quality of your transport, and we will never participate in the price-cutting game among competitors in our profession.
We believe it is our duty to respond with the utmost care to every call, without ever neglecting areas for improvement. Our vehicles are disinfected daily—sometimes multiple times a day if needed. Our equipment, including bandages and medications, is regularly inspected. We prefer to leave nothing to chance... because your life is worth it.